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来源:http://www.jiangrenyiliao.cn/ 发布时间:2021-03-31 浏览量:0

In recent years, industrial endoscopy detection has entered a mature stage, more and more used in the quality control of product production process, and developed into a conventional detection method. So how can we better maintain the endoscope in more and more detection work?
1、 拿取工业内窥镜时要轻拿轻放,防止镜子弯曲、落地。
1. Handle the industrial endoscope with care to prevent the mirror from bending and falling to the ground.
2、 还有拍照和摄像的地方,在一些特殊的环境下,要把探头套上一层东西来保护它,以免探头的大的摩擦,照成不清晰的画面。
2. There are also places for taking pictures and taking pictures. Under some special circumstances, the probe should be covered with a layer of things to protect it, so as to avoid the big friction of the probe and make it into an unclear picture.
3. After the operation, we should clean the wire of the winding wheel with cloth, and then bind it again and put it in the specified cabinet. Before storing the cabinet, carefully observe the clarity of the mirror to ensure the next use.
4、 在检测的工作过程当中,遇到有阻碍爬行器的物体,不能硬拉硬扯,要想办法用巧力来进一步的延伸,要不会照成线的打曲。不利于内部往外传输。
4. In the process of detection, when there are obstacles to the crawler, we should not pull it hard. We should try to use skillful force to further extend it, and we should not bend the line. It is not conducive to internal to external transmission.
5、 对于电子工业内窥镜,用完后,应立即取下电池;电池用尽后要及时充电。希望大家在日常的维护当中,做到位这样才能保证产品的使用寿命,不于经常出现一些小问题,让你在工作当中用的得心应手。
5. For the electronic industrial endoscope, the battery should be removed immediately after it is used up, and the battery should be charged in time after it is used up. I hope you can do well in the daily maintenance, so as to ensure the service life of the product, not to often have some small problems, so that you can easily use in your work.
Thank you for reading, hope the above content is helpful to you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: endoscopic equipment maintenance http://www.jiangrenyiliao.cn .
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